Gabby Lugo

Delighted to share my chat with the inspiring writer/producer Gabby Lugo.

We met at a networking event, were quickly magnetized to each other and bonded over the various parallels in our paths. Talking to Gabby felt like talking to a mirror, at times.

After finding major success as a line producer on projects like the short for Damien Chazelle’s film Whiplash and the hit Palm Springs, she was faced with making a decision that would have most creatives shaking in their boots:

Should she continue on the lucrative line producing path, or turn down her financial safety net and pursue her true passion for writing?

In this episode, you'll get the real-real on how Gabby navigated the high stress and high stakes of a journey that begins with immigration from Nicaragua and arrives to present day with the recently-sold reboot of 16 Candles alongside powerhouse Latinas, showrunner Tanya Saracho and the one and only Selena Gomez.

Spoiler Alert: Gabby’s writing it.


Noelle Green


Nicole Tossou